Sunday 15 February 2009

Day 45 - 14/02

Saturday 14th February 2009
Harvey got a mystery card and everyone is convinced I've sent it. My excuse was why would I waste a 1st class stamp on him!! I don't buy 1st class anyways so it couldn't be me, but I've just remembered that my mum has some in her purse...

Valentines Day and where did I end up?? The gym!! Look at the cool lockers we found in the changing rooms!!

We are only going to be able to join the 8-16 one, but it's a start. Going to get a membership next time I go. We have a free voucher to use on the dance mats aswell this half term!! And with the membership we can get free swimming (even though I'm not to keen I will try to get back into going once a fortnight or something like that).

And the sign in the changing room where I was taking pics with my mobile -

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