Monday 16 February 2009

Day 47 - 16/02

Monday 16th February 2009
So here's the other view of my room where my bed used to be.
Still had to get up early this morning despite it being half term. I didn't mind really, but my dad said he was getting up at 8 but it ended up more like 10! I wish he would stop messing about with tools in the garage. He's being really noisy!!
I went on the Wii Fit for 30mins this morning after I got in and will probably go on again tonight :)

I've been reading the Tide Seasons One and Two all day. It's bloody brilliant!! I'd definately recommend it for those who haven't read it yet. I just wish I had read it sooner. I was going to as well, but just never got round to it. That's typical of me!!
I'm getting a bit too carried away and keep changing my profile template. I'm happy with this one now, but I've gone a bit overboard with the colours!! LOL!

Listening to - Radio 1

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