Thursday 19 February 2009

Day 50 - 19/02

Thursday 19th February 2009
So I decided to look for this chocolate mug cake recipie because it looks really delicious!! I told myself that the cake and a banana would be all I would eat all day until tonight. The cake was dead tough, like chewing rubber :( Next time I will put more milk in (Thanks Vicky ;)) and just use some lemon juice or syrup. I can't quite decide :)
I've just got bck from the dance mats at the leisure centre. Me and a mate went using free vouchers. It was so much fun and a great workout. I've booked myself in for Saturday, but she can't go and I'm going to get a membership to the under 16s gym :) I'm still sweating now!!

Here's my Rob poster <3 I got it out of the sugar mag I bought on Tuesday. It's hidden inside my wardrobe so that only I can see it because I am such a hypocrit. I didn't understand what other people saw in him. I didn't even think he was good-looking, but this picture... <3!!! I even joked about it when my friend bought his autobiography. Only me and my clothes will ever see it...


  1. I think I'm the odd one out...I prefer Kellen Lutz...

  2. Yeh so do I, but they didn't have a poster of him ;)

    I'm due a shopping trip before my hols as a b'day pressie so I may look in HMV. I always depended on Woolies for my posters (ok so I only bought one, but I still looked at them!!)
