Tuesday 17 February 2009

Day 48 - 17/02

Tuesday 17th February 2009
I finally managed to get my pictures put up on my wall. I bought the poster in June and got this picture for xmas but it's took this long to get them put up!!

My mum and dad got this drawing from a street artist when they went to New York last year and gave it to me as a xmas present. I really love it and now I can appreciate it by it being on my wall!!! In the picture below you can see the reflection of my other poster aswell :)

I've stuck all of my photos to the ends of my wardrobes as well. Good memories of my Primary School. I have pictures of:
- our trips to Beamish, London and camping
- a picture of my 11th birthday cake and one of me blowing out the candles
- pictures from holiday
- a few of Poppy
- my school ski trip in April '07
- my friends at my 14th birthday party
and I have just dug out some pictures of when I went to Paris with my auntie in Feb '06 (this time 3 years ago exactly!!), she must have brought them round before she went to New Zeland.

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