Saturday, 31 January 2009

Day 31 - 31/01

Saturday 31st January 2009

The gorgeous sunrise this morning. I had to drag myself out of bed at 7. We were supposed to be meeting Sarah at 8 to help with the buffet, but she didn't get there til 9 :( :(
It was my bro's rugby team's first match so they were putting on a buffet for the sponsors. I buttered 8 loaves of bread for sandwiches and 2 dozen buns!! Never again I say. LOL!

Friday, 30 January 2009

Day 30 - 30/01

Friday 30th January 2009
< -- Here's a picture of my family tree which me and my mum are making on genes reunited. There is about 130 relatives. All but 6 on my mums side and most of them on her dad's side. The only reason I've got so far is because my Grandpa got sent a load of information about his family tree by a third or forth cousin a few months back. It's really interesting searching through the censuses. I have got back as far as 1801 :)

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Day 29 - 29/01

Thursday 29th January 2009
<-- Just joined the Twilight forum which was created by Hannah! (Thanks Hannzz! :) )
We had a sexual health talk today. Nobody knew what to say, not even those with the biggest gobs, the ones that could talk for England. Dannie was funny behind us though! LOL! :D At least we didn't have to play basketball.

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Day 28 - 28/01

Wednesday 28th January 2009
Look at her, the big beast!! As always she wants her picture taken! LOL!! :D

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Day 27 - 27/01

Tuesday 27th January 2009

My Birthday!!!!! :D :D :P

<-- Here's my cake :D Grey bear!! I always have one like it!

Here's my cards! v Sorry about the blurry picture

Monday, 26 January 2009

Day 26 - 26/01

Monday 26th January 2009

Been reading Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer non-stop since Friday night. Mum got so annoying she took it off me yesterday so I sat and sulked for 6 and a half hours. What a waste of a weekend!!!!!!!!

It's my birthday tomorrow anyway!! I can't wait! Dunno why, I still have to do my paperround :(

Sunday, 25 January 2009

Day 25 - 25/01

Sunday 25th Janurary 2009

Had a row with mum so I went for a walk but got filthy :( I didn't think to out old clothes on. Silly Me!!! You get a cracking view from up there though :)

Saturday, 24 January 2009

Day 24 - 24/01

Saturday 24th January 2009
Took dog for a walk. Same place as last week, but at least it's nicer weather :)

Friday, 23 January 2009

Day 23 - 23/01

Friday 23rd January 2009

I took this walking home from school this evening. It just doesn't look real!! Well, the clouds don't, to me anyway!!

It was my friend's brother's birthday today. Between us, my other friend and I came up with his name. She suggested the name and I spelt it (the girls way! oops!) on the list which she was collecting names on! lol!

I had to write a poem today, and then translate it into French. I will post it possibly tomorrow or Sunday :)

Tesco shopping still hasn't come yet! They have 17 minutes!

4 days to go! 4 days til my birthday!!

Day 22 - 22/01

Thursday 22nd January 2009

Poppy stretching out!

Finished reading Eclipse tonight!! I started to day on page 319 and finished on 628!! Over 300 pages :o

I had to put up with everyone stroking my hair today, because it felt really soft. They woldn't have bothered though if I hadn't have had my hair done! lol!

5 days to go! 5 days til my birthday!!

Day 21 - 21/01

Wednesday 21st January 2009

I took this on my way to school. It was chucking it down and this picture looks black and white, but as you can see, the reflection of the street light shows it clearly isn't. It that white area, the sky was multi coloured, it just wouldn't show up on the camera.

I got my hair highlighted tonight. It was an early birthday treat :D

6 days to go! 6 days til my birthday!!

Day 20 - 20/01

Tuesday 20th January 2009
I didn't feel inspired today!! I took this on my way to school. Behind me it is grey clouds, yet in front its blue sky with white and pink clouds!!
7 days to go! 7 day til my birthday!!

Day 19 - 19/01

Monday 19th January 2009
We got our snow today!! But it didn't settle :(
I tried to take a photo of it because it looked really good, but by the time I had managed to sneak away from teachers, it had almost stopped :(
8 days to go! 8 days til my birthday!!

Day 18 - 18/01

Sunday 18th January 2009
We took Poppy for a walk over the beach today! We met another chocolate lab, they looked like twins!!!
I was too cold and wasn't wearing old enough clothes so I went to the swings by the car park when this dog came over. I had to do a double take because she looked so much like Poppy. When my mum came back up I told her about it and the dog just appeared out of nowhere!! She acted the same as Poppy as well!!
9 days to go! 9 days til my birthday!!

Day 17 - 17/01

Saturday 17th January 2009

Just as last Saturday, I dragged myself out of bed at 10 and my post was waiting for me. I got these 3 autographs. I'd only sent off for Babara's and I had sent another picture for her to sign. I was planning to send off for Larry's separately but they put them together :D!! I'm really pleased!!!

Below is a picture of the sweets which my Mum and Dad brought back from New York. I finished them today.

Sorry about the orientation of the pictures. I thought they might have auto-rotated!!

10 days to go! 10 days til my birthday!!

Day 16 - 16/01

Friday 16th January 2009

Picture of my desktop on my laptop. I've changed it so many times this last week. This just happens to be one of them.

Mum ordered our shopping from for the first time for over year. It came today

Day 15 - 15/01

Thursday 15th January 2009

I have been reading this book non-stop!! It's the sequel to Twilight which I also loved. I finished it tonight after staying up until quarter to 12!! The picture on the left was when I had to run after the dog and my book stayed like that!

Found out our results for Our GCSE Science Modules B1a, C1a and P1a.

I got A* in all of them and was top of the year!!
My mark out of 50 in Biology was 48 and in Chemistry and Physics I got 50!! Physics was rock hard aswell. They mucked up the answer sheets so they had to omit question 2.
Still happy!!

Day 14 - 14/01

Wednesday 14th January 2009

Some of the French Students in our year went to Lancaster Uni for part of the MOODLE project.

The lectures I went to were about the French Press, Romance Languages and Audio Guides in the Louvre.

The languages one was by far the best. It was really interesting and I took it all in, unlike the others!

My copy of Waterloo Road Series One came today!! Or was it yesterday?? I can't wait to get round to watching it.

Day 13 - 13/01

Tuesday 13th January 2009

First day back at Spanish "Club". This is outside school next to the spirally fire escape. The blur is because my friend decided to dance around in front of me!!

All I can really remember, apart from that, was us winding up the art teacher when she covered our Chemistry lesson!!

She loved that ;)

Day 12 - 12/01

Monday 12th January 2009

I took this picture on my way home from school.

It really sums up my day! Rubbish! (And a warning to others)

Day 11 - 11/01

Sunday 11th January 2009

Don't worry I haven't forgotton!!!
Today we spent all day clearing my brother's room and moving his furniture. I had this speaker, which came with my phone, blaring away all weekend. On the right is most of my collection of Tots TV videos!! Snowy Adventure has to be my favourite :D

Saturday, 10 January 2009

Day 10 - 10/01

Saturday 10th January 2009

Well what a boring start to a boring day. I just slept in until 10. I should be allowed I only get 2 mornings off a week :p

<---- This is a picture of the frost in my garden. It's about a close we will get to snow :(
As I woke up late, the postman had already been and I was plesantly surprised to find this waiting for me! :D ------->
I then spent the day sulking more or less. The telly tonight was crap asit always is of a weekend. I tried to help my brother make an electrical circuit, but I bloody hate Physics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Grandparents came round at night and we played on Guitar Hero so that they could watch us and we could deafen them.
It was my other Grandpa's birthday today so that makes it 4 so far...

Friday, 9 January 2009

Day 9 - 09/01

Friday 9th January 2009
I finally managed to finish my draft copy of my English coursework last night so I can forget about it this weekend.
Pay Day today!! Mum keeps saying it comes round quick, I think otherwise. It's been a really miserable day today and nothing was worth taking a picture of, but I thought maybe a picture of a couple of our palm trees in our front garden would liven things up. We have 4 palm trees all together. The one on the left of the picture has been growing for about 11 years since we moved in as has another one. The one on the right has grown from a shoot of the one on the left as has our little baby one. So, that's the story of our plam trees. Let's move onto the day!
German was a hoot today, as it normally is. We hid all the teachers folders, pens and board rubber. She made us return the folders, but she found another pen and a cloth :( The stereo wasn't in when we entered the room, I said wait for it, she'll walk in with it under her arm and she did!! lol! I don't think she could trust us after yesterday. The bin was put in it's usual spot, out of the window. The teacher has just learnt to ignore the bin now, but ine of these days it's going to blow away!!
In Biology we were doing a practical, an observation of water pollution. Luckily we weren't using chemical because I managed to knock one of our measuring cylinders over! oops!
Parents' evening is next Thursday, I hope I don't have to go like last year and the year before (last year we were discussing options, the year before my dad was working away). Just found out that we are getting out GCSE Science Modules 1A back on Wednesday, just before parents' evening, lucky for me I'm away that day!!
I'm just about to read New Moon by Stephanie Meyer so I had better scoot off! I never finished Twilight because I was so close to the end, but I never put a bookmark in. I've watched the film anyways and my friend has told me what happens (it's her book I'm borrowing)
School Dinner: Salmon and Prawn Tarlet, Chips and Beans / Rice Pudding
Reading: New Moon
Listening to: Broken Strings - James Morrison

Thursday, 8 January 2009

Day 8 - 08/01

Thursday 8th January 2009

I've made it to a week!! I told mum I could do it but she said I would have caved and gave me until today!
I'll start with what happened last night. Ok, so this picture wasn't taken today, but it was taken yesterday I just don't have the time to edit that post :p We were watching the weather report on BBC (before or after the Diary of Anne Frank, I can't quite remember) and this was a picture sent in of a car in the South of France. I really wish I was there, we don't get any snow :(
Waterloo Road finally started again last night, I couldn't wait! I got ready to watch it, but my mum started shouting at me and the dog barking :( It was a long time to be on, an hour and a half, but it was great to watch. Mum has ordered me Series 1 on DVD aswell!! Afterwards, when it had finished, I went upstairs to find that mum had gone to bed. I had to go and turn all the lights off, lock up and then find a uniforn that didn't need ironing! Lol! I ended up going to school wearing my smallest skirt (obviously not short because all our skirts have to be long), my ripped jumper and a crushed blouse!!

I wasn't so pleased this morning. I haven't quite got to grips with the alarm on my new phone yet so when it goes off I keep putting it on snooze. I always set it for an hour earlier than I need to get up. I don't really know why, but I find that it wakes me up better than my alarm clock just going off and I need to jump straight out of bed, half asleep. It was a bad idea this morning though. I had it set to go off at 5.10 and it did, but when it came to turn it off, I couldn't see the screen because it was so bright so it automatically went on snooze without me knowing. It woke me up 9 minutes later!!! After that I could barely sleep because I was afraid I would sleep in. I was actually quite glad when it rung again at 6.25 (odd times I know!)

When I finally got to school, I met my friends, Splash and Cherry (DON'T laugh at the nicknames!! Lol!!) at the top of the drive. I was glad to see them, but it wasn't long before we had an assemly in which the teacher tried to make us sing 'All that I am...'. BORING!!!

The picture in the bottom left is the letter that we got in French about some workshops we are going to for some languages thing. I'm not that bothered about it. It's a day off school and we can wear our own clothes (I hope!!)

I spent most of German colouring it in artistically (NOT!!) while we were all having to say our New Year's resolutions in German. I couldn't quite work out to say that I will ignore my brother ;)! Once again we annoyed the teacher by playing her Mordern, German Tango Music when she went out of the room. She's used to our pranks now ;)
The day was going fine until we were told that in Sport we had to go for a run and do some fitness tests. We sort of had a feeling that we were going to have to record it so we went really slow so that we can improve next time. Me and Splash got the same time and she is dead sporty, but she was walking really slowly with me at times when I couldn't feel my ankle.
Above right is a picture of the moon in the sky at 4.15 while I was walking home. I think there is a little bit of pink in the sky underneath it. I think I may end up posting quite a few pictures of different colours in the sky because I think they are so beautiful and make it look mystical and unreal.
I've just found some Lindt chocolate reindeers and a Santa. I think they need eating quick!!:p
Now I really MUST get this English coursework done. Tomorrow is mt deadline because I was ill at the and of last term.
Listening to: MGMT - Kids (STILL!!!!!)
School Dinner: Chicken a la King and Apple Crumble
I thought I would make a record of our school dinners because everyone has to have them and you will soon realise how boring it becomes when we have the same thing every 3 weeks and Fish and Chips every Friday!

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Day 7 - 07/01

Wednesday 7th January 2009

Last day of the holidays before I go back to school :( I thought I would excite you all with a picture of my 'orange' (and wet) bag. I'd been planning to use it in a picture for ages but I always had too many pictures! It wasn't very plesant this morning, raining as per usual. It's making me depressed as well because it's the last day which I could have a half an hour lie in. I got in dripping wet with a sore ankle as my shoe had been rubbing. Typical, it's just my luck! I was expecting to be taking my brother to school, but as it was raining 'he had to go in the car'. Honestly, you would think that he would melt in the rain. Anyways, it was a big mistake, my dad taking Harvey to school in the car. Want to know why? He trapped his finger in the car door! Dad said it got stuck in the door and it looked like he'd chopped the end of his finger off. Luckily he hadn't but it was bleeding a lot from just below his nail and it was turning black. I really need to go out on erands, but I need to stay here by the phone incase school rings. I was planning on taking my Grandpa's phone back round to his house (I had been setting it up for him), one of my books (The Diary of Anne Frank) and some paperwork round to my Great Auntie's and drop a birthday present off at my mum's friend's house. I'm gutted I can't do any off that until he gets himself home from school. If only I could put a call divert on the phone (stupid BT!!) ...

Right, I'll describe what's in this picture for you and why I took it. I'll start with the scarf. I haven't actually really got a clue why I put it in there, but it's just another one of my scarfs, not as nice as my purple one but still a scarf, I'm wearing it now! I bought it from New Look last Summer to take on holiday, but I don't think I really wore it. I really want one of those square scarf things, I'm going to look out for one next time I'm in town.
The gloves are really special. They were a Christmas present from my parents which they bought from Bloomingdales when they were in New York. They have got little mitten cover things to go over the top of your fingers. I love the box which they came in aswell! :D They are in the picture because with the weather as it is now, I really should be wearing gloves and a scarf. It was minus 5 on Monday night!!
The trainers are also a Christmas prezzie from New York and I just love them. I don't want to wear then too much though because I don't want to wear them out and ruin them (they weren't the ones which were rubbing my feet this morning). Just incase you can't quite see them, they are white with and gold and black pattern and red hearts :)

Remember the jeans I bought the other day? I'm wearing them now. They are a little tight, but the perfect length :D Mum says they are too short, but you can just see the nice pattern on my favourite trainers :p!! At the moment I am wearing a huge, glittery silver belt round them because they are hipsters and I need to cover my back up... (lol!)

I have just found a leter which had to be in by the end of last term about a day trip to Lancaster Uni for some Gifted and Talented Day. I hope my teacher will still accept the slip because I was ill on the last day on term. I did ask my friend to mention it to my teacher, but she never said that she did or didn't. It's next Wednesday aswell!!!
Now I really must get on with finishing my coursework and doing my DAD'S homework aswell!!! I really don't know how he can't do it himself!

I keep editing my posts at the end of the day so if you want to check back at the end of some or not, it doesn't really matter :)

Listening to: MGMT - Kids (Callum!!!!! Your fault!!!)
Waiting for: Phone to ring and say that my brother's finger has dropped off. (I'm not hoping for that to happen BTW :p!)
Wearing: New Jeans, Silver belt, Blue scarf, 'I'm more Dipsy than LaLa' T-Shirt and my good old watch from NEXT

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Day 6 - 06/01

Tuesday 6th January 2009

Well, this morning I wasn't woken by my alarm clock, but by my mum. she thought that I had slept in, but I hadn't. My alarm clock didn't go off for some reason because I had changed the time, but I was quick to point out to my mum that I still had 1 min left in bed before my alarm clock should've gone off! But believe me, by the way the was talking you would've thought that I'd slept in half an hour at least! As I slipped walking down somebody's drive yesterday, I was sure not to make a repeat of that! While I was out this morning I took this picture of the sun rising. It doesn't show up very well on here but it looked really beautiful. The tracks in the sky made by the planes were an orangey, peachy pinky colour. I just couldn't resist getting my phone out and taking a picture. I have been taking my phone everywhere with me lately.
I finally got my TV mag while I was out! It was the only new one in, all the others were this weeks, but I always get What's on TV anyways so it doesn't matter. I did happen to notice last week though that they had gone up to 47p.
Since it's my Grandpa's birthday today, I thought I would take a picture of the card I got him (well my mum got this one from me and I got the one from her!) along with my phone. You may be wondering why my phone has sneaked its way into the picture. Well, it's because I got it for xmas and really wanted to show it off :P! No. Only joking! It's what I have been using to take all of my pictures, bar this one, of course. I'm using that picture of Poppy as my wallpaper and screensaver. It's just such a cute picture!
I guess I should be getting on with my English coursework now, shouldn't I? It was due in 3 weeks ago, but I was too ill to do it.

to: MGMT - Kids
Breakfast: Toasted Cinammon Bagel and Orange Juice

EDIT - Just been round to my Grandpa's because we haven't sent our cards round yet (my fault of course, it always is!) I was going to post a picture of the chocolate cake we had, but since the computer is being stupid I can't upload it so you can't see it :p!! This month is a busy month for birthdays for us. You'll soon see over the next few weeks ;) 2 already so far and one tomorrow...
Still listening to MGMT - Kids (Callum it's your fault that me and Siobhan are so addicted! :P)
Playing on Guitar Hero - Jimmy Eats World - In the Middle

Monday, 5 January 2009

Day 5 - 05/01

Monday 5th January 2009

This morning I was woken up once again by the sound of my alarm clock telling me to drag myself out of bed to deliver newspapers. I wasn't too bothered as I thought to myself that I would get the new TV mag while I was down there, but unfortunately they didn't have them displayed yet. To cheer me up I waited for the post as I expected my copy of Outnumbered Series 1 to arrive. It did!! I've started watching it already and this is a photo taken of the part when Karen wanted to keep a nit as a pet and have a nit town living in her head!

I then got changed and ready to go into town with my Great Auntie and meet my mum for lunch. 'Twas delicious! This is a picture of me (shameful, I know!) before I went out. I only took the picture because I wanted to see what the scarf looked like. I got it for xmas and I love it! I have even been wearing it for the past few days. I wonder when I will get round to taking it off :p!

While I was in town I bought a new slim calendar because the chocolate lab one which I got for xmas was too big and has gone downstairs in the kitchen. I looked all over for one, but didn't expect to be getting an Eeyore one after seeing a Winnie the Pooh one yesterday! I also had to get a card for my Grandpa from my mum. She specifically wanted one with a golfer on so we looked all over and eventually found one which had words on which would make you cry (it's practically a book!!) Sorry, it's took in an silly place, in front of a mirror, (not even in my room!) it's just it was the only place which had decent lighting at 4.45 lol!! The colours on my hand are the price stickers which say half price! I bought some well needed new jeans from New Look using my gift card because my favourite jeans got ripped a few days ago (don't ask how! I don't even know myself!) Hopefuly they will fit. It's dead awkward for me to buy trousers because I always need the shortest leg length :( I hate being so short and stumpy :(!!

OMG!! It's turned into a flaming essay!!
Watching: Outnumbered Series 1 - Episode 1
Meal of the Day - Vegetabe Lasagne
Buy of the Day - Oo tricky one, but it'll have to be... the calendar :)

EDIT - Because it wasn't the end of the day when I wrote this, I am just going to edit it. If I ad another post there will be more than 31 posts in January (I have a slight OCD me thinks) so...

I figured that I needed to take a picture of this vase there and then. It contains chocolate coins, well it used to be fl and have more than 20 bags in, but you can see that they all aren't there now!! It was an xmas deoration so when they're gone it is officially the end of Christmas :( (According to Epiphany though, they should be gone by tomorrow! :p)

Oh, forgot to mention how long it took me to find a calendar, did I? Went in every card shop and WHSmith. I was tempted to get the Take That one, but I feared my mum would steal it and there were some unofficial 'Enders and Corries ones, but I ended up geting mine in a stationery/toyshop!!
This is me while I am writing this down to update my blog later as apparently I am using up our internet limit.

Watching: Masterchef and Celeb BB
Wearing: Victoria's Secret Pjs and dressing gown.

Sunday, 4 January 2009

Day 4 - 04/01

Sunday 4th January 2009
I can't believe I've actually made it to the forth day!

I didn't get up until late this morning and the first this I was forced to do was take my dog for a stroll. I thought it would be easy again like yesterday, but no she's back to normal!

The first picture is as far as we managed to go (round the corner, shh!) I doesn't look like a very nice day in this picture.
The second picture is of my brainless dog refusing to walk. She is a poser, isn't she?!

When I got back from the supermarket we went to visit my Great Aunt as it was her birthday. While we were there the sun came out so I couldnt resist taking this picture when I got home.

The next two pictures are quite sad pictures (well, not heartbreaking, but still sad :() The first is of our main, fake, Christmas tree before we took it downand the other is of our outdoor Christmas tree before it is taken to be shredded up. I hate taking the decorations down as it really is a symbol of the festive season being over for another year.

I keep posting more than one picture at the moment because I can't chose between them, but I know that when I get back to school it will be back down to one picture.
Reading: Twilight

Eaten today: Fruit Salad and Roast Chicken dinner.

Listening to: Take That - Greatest Day

Saturday, 3 January 2009

Day 3 - 03/01

Saturday 3rd January 2009

We had a girly day in today with the boys out at a footie match (:( Barrow lost, but we were expecting it) I went to town this morning for my mum and this was when I took the picture above. I was the only one left on the dossy bus on the way home and the driver got out to have a fag. How very nice of him!!!

I think today marks the day of a new era. I actually got Poppy to walk for me for the first time in months. She only sat down once because she wanted a piece of chewing gum!!

This next picture of my diary was taken in the early hours of this morning because I was really excited about doing this project and couldn't wait to take the next picture. Sad, aren't I? Anyways, this year I am going to keep a diary of reminders and make sure that I write a note at least once a week. It can't be that hard can it?

Friday, 2 January 2009

Day 2 - 02/01

Friday 2nd January 2009

Here she is, the little rascal! Just got in from my paperround and had to chase her round the drive while she had an empty can in her mouth. She took some time to pose for picture though. Looking right at the camera for some of them! At least it tired her out, but she managed to get my slipper afterwards. I guess we are in for another busy year with this monster!