Sunday 4 January 2009

Day 4 - 04/01

Sunday 4th January 2009
I can't believe I've actually made it to the forth day!

I didn't get up until late this morning and the first this I was forced to do was take my dog for a stroll. I thought it would be easy again like yesterday, but no she's back to normal!

The first picture is as far as we managed to go (round the corner, shh!) I doesn't look like a very nice day in this picture.
The second picture is of my brainless dog refusing to walk. She is a poser, isn't she?!

When I got back from the supermarket we went to visit my Great Aunt as it was her birthday. While we were there the sun came out so I couldnt resist taking this picture when I got home.

The next two pictures are quite sad pictures (well, not heartbreaking, but still sad :() The first is of our main, fake, Christmas tree before we took it downand the other is of our outdoor Christmas tree before it is taken to be shredded up. I hate taking the decorations down as it really is a symbol of the festive season being over for another year.

I keep posting more than one picture at the moment because I can't chose between them, but I know that when I get back to school it will be back down to one picture.
Reading: Twilight

Eaten today: Fruit Salad and Roast Chicken dinner.

Listening to: Take That - Greatest Day


  1. Thanks for the comment. I know I am SO TIRED! -_-
    Great pics, love the second one lol!

  2. Your doggie is sooo cute.
