Friday 9 January 2009

Day 9 - 09/01

Friday 9th January 2009
I finally managed to finish my draft copy of my English coursework last night so I can forget about it this weekend.
Pay Day today!! Mum keeps saying it comes round quick, I think otherwise. It's been a really miserable day today and nothing was worth taking a picture of, but I thought maybe a picture of a couple of our palm trees in our front garden would liven things up. We have 4 palm trees all together. The one on the left of the picture has been growing for about 11 years since we moved in as has another one. The one on the right has grown from a shoot of the one on the left as has our little baby one. So, that's the story of our plam trees. Let's move onto the day!
German was a hoot today, as it normally is. We hid all the teachers folders, pens and board rubber. She made us return the folders, but she found another pen and a cloth :( The stereo wasn't in when we entered the room, I said wait for it, she'll walk in with it under her arm and she did!! lol! I don't think she could trust us after yesterday. The bin was put in it's usual spot, out of the window. The teacher has just learnt to ignore the bin now, but ine of these days it's going to blow away!!
In Biology we were doing a practical, an observation of water pollution. Luckily we weren't using chemical because I managed to knock one of our measuring cylinders over! oops!
Parents' evening is next Thursday, I hope I don't have to go like last year and the year before (last year we were discussing options, the year before my dad was working away). Just found out that we are getting out GCSE Science Modules 1A back on Wednesday, just before parents' evening, lucky for me I'm away that day!!
I'm just about to read New Moon by Stephanie Meyer so I had better scoot off! I never finished Twilight because I was so close to the end, but I never put a bookmark in. I've watched the film anyways and my friend has told me what happens (it's her book I'm borrowing)
School Dinner: Salmon and Prawn Tarlet, Chips and Beans / Rice Pudding
Reading: New Moon
Listening to: Broken Strings - James Morrison


  1. you have palm trees in your front garden? that's so cool! :o

  2. like Gutterflower said, palm trees- so cool
