Thursday 8 January 2009

Day 8 - 08/01

Thursday 8th January 2009

I've made it to a week!! I told mum I could do it but she said I would have caved and gave me until today!
I'll start with what happened last night. Ok, so this picture wasn't taken today, but it was taken yesterday I just don't have the time to edit that post :p We were watching the weather report on BBC (before or after the Diary of Anne Frank, I can't quite remember) and this was a picture sent in of a car in the South of France. I really wish I was there, we don't get any snow :(
Waterloo Road finally started again last night, I couldn't wait! I got ready to watch it, but my mum started shouting at me and the dog barking :( It was a long time to be on, an hour and a half, but it was great to watch. Mum has ordered me Series 1 on DVD aswell!! Afterwards, when it had finished, I went upstairs to find that mum had gone to bed. I had to go and turn all the lights off, lock up and then find a uniforn that didn't need ironing! Lol! I ended up going to school wearing my smallest skirt (obviously not short because all our skirts have to be long), my ripped jumper and a crushed blouse!!

I wasn't so pleased this morning. I haven't quite got to grips with the alarm on my new phone yet so when it goes off I keep putting it on snooze. I always set it for an hour earlier than I need to get up. I don't really know why, but I find that it wakes me up better than my alarm clock just going off and I need to jump straight out of bed, half asleep. It was a bad idea this morning though. I had it set to go off at 5.10 and it did, but when it came to turn it off, I couldn't see the screen because it was so bright so it automatically went on snooze without me knowing. It woke me up 9 minutes later!!! After that I could barely sleep because I was afraid I would sleep in. I was actually quite glad when it rung again at 6.25 (odd times I know!)

When I finally got to school, I met my friends, Splash and Cherry (DON'T laugh at the nicknames!! Lol!!) at the top of the drive. I was glad to see them, but it wasn't long before we had an assemly in which the teacher tried to make us sing 'All that I am...'. BORING!!!

The picture in the bottom left is the letter that we got in French about some workshops we are going to for some languages thing. I'm not that bothered about it. It's a day off school and we can wear our own clothes (I hope!!)

I spent most of German colouring it in artistically (NOT!!) while we were all having to say our New Year's resolutions in German. I couldn't quite work out to say that I will ignore my brother ;)! Once again we annoyed the teacher by playing her Mordern, German Tango Music when she went out of the room. She's used to our pranks now ;)
The day was going fine until we were told that in Sport we had to go for a run and do some fitness tests. We sort of had a feeling that we were going to have to record it so we went really slow so that we can improve next time. Me and Splash got the same time and she is dead sporty, but she was walking really slowly with me at times when I couldn't feel my ankle.
Above right is a picture of the moon in the sky at 4.15 while I was walking home. I think there is a little bit of pink in the sky underneath it. I think I may end up posting quite a few pictures of different colours in the sky because I think they are so beautiful and make it look mystical and unreal.
I've just found some Lindt chocolate reindeers and a Santa. I think they need eating quick!!:p
Now I really MUST get this English coursework done. Tomorrow is mt deadline because I was ill at the and of last term.
Listening to: MGMT - Kids (STILL!!!!!)
School Dinner: Chicken a la King and Apple Crumble
I thought I would make a record of our school dinners because everyone has to have them and you will soon realise how boring it becomes when we have the same thing every 3 weeks and Fish and Chips every Friday!


  1. I got lots of snow, still have! I just can't go out in it ... still!
    LOL @ started shouting at me and the dog barking :( I thought you meant you were barking! :P x

  2. No!! It ruined it a bit. She wouldn't shut up at the end :(

  3. Ouch, fitness tests on the first day back! That sucks :(

    Mmm, lindt chocolate! Lol X
