Friday 23 January 2009

Day 15 - 15/01

Thursday 15th January 2009

I have been reading this book non-stop!! It's the sequel to Twilight which I also loved. I finished it tonight after staying up until quarter to 12!! The picture on the left was when I had to run after the dog and my book stayed like that!

Found out our results for Our GCSE Science Modules B1a, C1a and P1a.

I got A* in all of them and was top of the year!!
My mark out of 50 in Biology was 48 and in Chemistry and Physics I got 50!! Physics was rock hard aswell. They mucked up the answer sheets so they had to omit question 2.
Still happy!!

1 comment:

  1. Great first pic. Everyone's talking about Twilight, I might jump on that bandwagon and read

    Congrats on the results
