Monday 5 January 2009

Day 5 - 05/01

Monday 5th January 2009

This morning I was woken up once again by the sound of my alarm clock telling me to drag myself out of bed to deliver newspapers. I wasn't too bothered as I thought to myself that I would get the new TV mag while I was down there, but unfortunately they didn't have them displayed yet. To cheer me up I waited for the post as I expected my copy of Outnumbered Series 1 to arrive. It did!! I've started watching it already and this is a photo taken of the part when Karen wanted to keep a nit as a pet and have a nit town living in her head!

I then got changed and ready to go into town with my Great Auntie and meet my mum for lunch. 'Twas delicious! This is a picture of me (shameful, I know!) before I went out. I only took the picture because I wanted to see what the scarf looked like. I got it for xmas and I love it! I have even been wearing it for the past few days. I wonder when I will get round to taking it off :p!

While I was in town I bought a new slim calendar because the chocolate lab one which I got for xmas was too big and has gone downstairs in the kitchen. I looked all over for one, but didn't expect to be getting an Eeyore one after seeing a Winnie the Pooh one yesterday! I also had to get a card for my Grandpa from my mum. She specifically wanted one with a golfer on so we looked all over and eventually found one which had words on which would make you cry (it's practically a book!!) Sorry, it's took in an silly place, in front of a mirror, (not even in my room!) it's just it was the only place which had decent lighting at 4.45 lol!! The colours on my hand are the price stickers which say half price! I bought some well needed new jeans from New Look using my gift card because my favourite jeans got ripped a few days ago (don't ask how! I don't even know myself!) Hopefuly they will fit. It's dead awkward for me to buy trousers because I always need the shortest leg length :( I hate being so short and stumpy :(!!

OMG!! It's turned into a flaming essay!!
Watching: Outnumbered Series 1 - Episode 1
Meal of the Day - Vegetabe Lasagne
Buy of the Day - Oo tricky one, but it'll have to be... the calendar :)

EDIT - Because it wasn't the end of the day when I wrote this, I am just going to edit it. If I ad another post there will be more than 31 posts in January (I have a slight OCD me thinks) so...

I figured that I needed to take a picture of this vase there and then. It contains chocolate coins, well it used to be fl and have more than 20 bags in, but you can see that they all aren't there now!! It was an xmas deoration so when they're gone it is officially the end of Christmas :( (According to Epiphany though, they should be gone by tomorrow! :p)

Oh, forgot to mention how long it took me to find a calendar, did I? Went in every card shop and WHSmith. I was tempted to get the Take That one, but I feared my mum would steal it and there were some unofficial 'Enders and Corries ones, but I ended up geting mine in a stationery/toyshop!!
This is me while I am writing this down to update my blog later as apparently I am using up our internet limit.

Watching: Masterchef and Celeb BB
Wearing: Victoria's Secret Pjs and dressing gown.


  1. Nice pics, the first one cracks me up! x

  2. Thanks!! I want to wear it all the time! Karen cracks me up too!

  3. Ooh your scarf is larvely! I have one similar in pink and I always wear it. Must take a picture of it ;)

  4. omg how much do i want your scarf and coat. *jealous*

  5. I am so rubbish at noticing really awesome clothes, took me a few hours to see the awesomeness of the scarf <3 x

  6. I *LOVE* Outnumbered!! Karen is a full on legend!

  7. cute calender...eeyore's my fave

  8. Karen in Outnumbered is adorable, I want her as my own child!

    Great pictures :D

  9. Absotluley love the first picture! Karen is a darling!

    "Gun crime is a tradgey in our inner-city"

    Can I keep her please?!

    Great pictures :) xx

  10. Thanks for all the comments!! but they day wasn't over when I posted these!! I have more!
